In the last few years, games as a visual product have revolutionized contemporary culture and the cultural industry as a whole. The First International Congress of Art, Design and Game Development in the Creative Industry naturally arises from the relationship between the academic world and the videogame industry as a potential space to experiment how the future of this media can be transformed..
According to the news, the Videogame Industry generates hundreds of thousands of jobs at international level, with wages sometimes higher than national averages in other fields of the industry. It also beneficiates from a growing number of fans and consumers. Therefore, the videogame industry deserves a special analysis as a cultural industry. This is why we are holding this scientific meeting on May 7, 2015.
ESNE -School of Design, Innovation and Technology – is in charge of organizing the First International Congress of Art, Design and Game Development in the Creative Industry. ESNE, which was a pioneer in teaching Games degrees in the Spanish University System, responsibly undertakes the challenge of bringing together and retaining researchers, teachers, professionals and students related to the World of gaming through this congress.
This forum provides an opportunity to reflect and debate on the videogame world from a holistic perspective. All the agents whohave a direct influence on the creation process, design, production and distributions of videogames are invited.